5 Artists to Watch by Collector Louis Kotze
What came into his life by accident, ended up being his life: art. Louis Kotze found his ‘Never Never Land’ in art, which serves as a place he escapes to and challenge his perception about life. The Cape Town-based art collector spend four hours a day to explore the world of art in depth and search for works to expand his self created weird, nonsensical, and fun ‘Never Never Land’. At the moment, these five artists are on his radar.

Simphiwe Ndzube
Born 1990. Lives and works in Los Angeles and Cape Town.
Website: simphiwendzube.com

Anna Uddenberg
Born in 1982 in Stockholm,. Lives and works in Berlin.
Website: annauddenberg.com

Tschabalala Self
Born 1990 in Harlem, NY. Lives in New Haven, CT.
Website: tschabalalaself.com

Yngve Holen
Born 1982 in Braunschweig. Lives and works in Berlin.

Mohau Modisakeng
Born in 1986 in Soweto. Lives and works between Johannesburg and Cape Town.
Website: mohaumodisakengstudio.com