“I found my Never Never Land”
Interview with collector Louis Kotze
What came into his life by accident, ended up being his life: art. Louis Kotze found his ‘Never Never Land’ in art, which serves as a place he escapes to and challenge his perception about life. The Cape Town-based art collector spend four hours a day to explore the world of art in depth and search for works to expand his self created weird, nonsensical, and fun ‘Never Never Land’. He always acts upon a personal experience and avoids hype. Hype will pass, the feeling of being deeply moved won’t.
Name: Louis Kotze
Location: Cape Town
Started collecting in year: 2007
Number of artworks in collection: +/- 300
Instagram: @Ljwkotze and www.stblodge.co.za/art for exhibitions

How did you become an art collector?
It can actually be considered an accident. As a young auditor I constantly needed change. The idea of change intrigued me, and also gave me a false sense of progression. I started collecting old South African masters my father used to collect. It became an alternative way to spend money. Then I walked into a gallery with sculptures carved out of paper. It bugged me so much that someone can make art of these things that wont last. I remember asking myself who would spend money on a bunch of cut up books and other futile material…