Dedicated to challenging art
Interview with gallery owner Marie Kirkegaard
“I’m not afraid to present a narrow artistic program, rather I actually prefer contemporary art to be challenging in its aesthetics and concepts”. These are the words by Marie Kirkegaard, owner of Marie Kirkegaard Gallery, which strives to present and promote visionary contemporary art. Located in central Copenhagen, Marie Kirkegaard Gallery represents a selected diverse group of emerging contemporary artists, defined not as much by a shared aesthetic but rather by a common wish to express content, tell a story, and set a mark. Get to know Marie Kirkegaard Gallery better in this interview.
Name: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery
Opening year: 2013
Number of artists: 9
Upcoming exhibitions: Silas Inoue & Hiroshi Shinno, opening on August 25
Art fairs: CODE and ALAC

How would you describe the program of your gallery?
I strive to promote visionary contemporary art with a focus on emerging and mid-career Danish as well as International artists. I’m not afraid to present a narrow artistic program, on the contrary, I actually prefer contemporary art to be challenging in its aesthetics and concepts.
Where and how do you find your artists?
I find my artists in many different places. It can be through a recommendation from other artists or collectors, or on inspirational travels – if I see an exhibition or a piece of work that I like. What I do find important though, is that the artist that I work with has an art school education, has a clearly defined artistic practice, and is working professionally with his/her art.

Are the artists somehow related in their artistic practices or have anything in common?
Today, I’m proud of representing a selected and diverse group of artists, who work in a wide range of media. Accordingly, the artists are defined not as much by a shared aesthetic but rather by a common wish to express content, tell a story, and set a mark, all by providing ambitious experiences of contemporary art. Their artistic works are equally in their own right rooted in a dynamic and experimental approach to the materials.
Who is your main audience, primarily local or international collectors?
Everybody is welcome.

What role do the art fairs play for you as a gallerist?
Art fairs are always important international platforms to present my artists and my gallery. This year I will be at CODE and ALAC; one local and one international. Saying that, I must admit that art fairs are indeed not the only platform – and perhaps not even the most important one either – to do the international introduction at. They are expensive, and often a hit or a miss during only one weekend. It’s not a creative process, and the exhibited art works do not present themselves at their best. I find it much more inspiring and fruitful to do international gallery exchanges to promote my artists worldwide. It gives you another opportunity to work locally with an art community; its collectors, critics and curators – and in contrary to an art fair they are there only to meet you and your artists.
What or who has influenced you as a gallerist?
My artists and the love of art.

About Marie Kirkegaard Gallery
Address: Holbergsgade 17C, 1057 Copenhagen K
T: +45 20123053
Gallery hours: Tuesday-Friday 12-18, Saturday 12-15
Website: Marie Kirkegaard Gallery