Entering the Galaxies of Vision
Erik Liljenberg: Galaxies of Vision
Galleri Tom Christoffersen
June 3 – July 29, 2017
On one of the first days of summer, Galleri Tom Christoffersen enters the galaxies of vision with a new exhibition by the Danish artist Erik Liljenberg (1942-2014), titled Galaxies of Vision.

Erik Liljenberg’s drawings and paintings oscillate between the manic energetic and the introvert contemplative. They come to life between something spontaneous and something controlled. The exhibition presents works from the 1960’s and up till 2014 with its main focus on drawings and paintings from the 1980-1990’s.

A book about Erik Liljenberg, “SYNETS GALAXER – maleren Erik Liljenberg” (only in Danish), written by Lars Movin, will be released in connection with the exhibition. It is the story about an artist who after breaking away from his hometown Frederikshavn in the early 1960’s started a journey which led him through one focal point after the other in the last part of the century’s Danish art- and cultural history. Always outside of the institutions and the searchlights of the medias, but rarely more than a hand wide’s length from the action.
Exhibition period: June 3 – July 29, 2017
Address: Tom Christoffersen, Skindergade 5, 1159 Copenhagen K
About Galleri Tom Christoffersen
Galleri Tom Christoffersen is a gallery of contemporary art situated in the centre of Copenhagen. The gallery’s diverse and experimental program presents a variety of media and approaches to art. Among others, the art practices encompass playful commenting on recent art history and everyday life, explicit interventions in political, psychological and social fields – but also very systematic investigations into sculpture and painting both as media and especially as process. Galleri Tom Christoffersen was initiated and opened in 2002 at its current location by director Tom Christoffersen.
Source: Galleri Tom Christoffersen