Music x Art: Wu Tang Clan ain’t nuthin to fuck to
… but it’s pretty good to watch art to
The overlap between art and music continues to grow in popular culture. But you really have to be in the know. To fully understand the visual symbolism in Jeff Koons’ Michael Jackson and Bubbles or the references in Jay Z’s Picasso Baby, you have to recognize the celebrity driven consumption culture of modern America or all the names dropped in Jay Z’s song. A certain French sociologist is turning in his grave. It’s tiring, really.

On a more fundamental level, art and music should be a metaphysical experience. You intuitively feel if it’s good or not. The painter Agnes Martin once said that “[a] nice techno tune makes me high in the same way a completely abstract painting does. They both hold meaning for me that is beyond expression in words.” She has a point. It’s all about shared energy.

So, what music would you listen to on a visit to your local gallery? Mellow electronic contemplation or hard-hitting trap? We made a few playlists to let you figure it out.
Check out Artland’s Spotify profile here and get your art groove on.