
In Conversation With Julie Leopold, Founder and CEO of Enter Art Fair

Julie Leopold, Founder and CEO of Enter Art Fair
Julie Leopold, Founder and CEO of Enter Art Fair, 2024 © Davy Denke / Rytter & Denke

By Artland Editors

“I wanted to transform Copenhagen into an international art hotspot with an annual event that would attract the global art scene to Denmark.”

Julie Leopold

In the ever-evolving landscape of international art fairs, Enter Art Fair – the largest in Scandinavia – has cemented its reputation as a nexus of creative and commercial exchanges, tripling in size within less than six years. The fair’s sixth edition promises to be its most expansive yet, gathering 96 of the world’s leading galleries from 20 countries and 46 cities. This year’s event, running from August 29th to September 1st, will showcase the works of over 350 international artists across a diverse range of mediums, from traditional paintings and sculptures to cutting-edge digital works. Notably, this edition will also see the debut of a new Digital Section, reinforcing the fair’s commitment to embracing new technologies and artistic expressions.

At the helm of this transformative event is Julie Leopold, the visionary Founder and CEO of Enter Art Fair. In 2019, with the organization of some of Denmark’s most successful art and lifestyle events under her belt, she established Enter Art Fair with a mission to create a dynamic platform for the global arts industry in the heart of the Danish capital.

We had the pleasure to interview Julie Leopold to talk about the vision behind Enter Art Fair, its growth and impact on the Scandinavian art scene, and her unwavering dedication to making Copenhagen an international hub for creativity and innovation. Read on to explore the journey of Enter Art Fair through the eyes of its founder.

Julie, can you tell us about your journey and what inspired you to establish Enter Art Fair in 2019?

In 2019, I recognized a need for an art fair that included both Danish and international galleries, as well as international collectors, institutions, foundations, and artists – and I knew Copenhagen was the perfect city for it. I had organized lifestyle fairs for eighteen years and loved working with the arts industry. I was inspired by other international art fairs such as Art Basel and Frieze, and I wanted to transform Copenhagen into an international art hotspot with an annual event that would attract the global art scene to Denmark.

How has your vision for Enter Art Fair evolved since its inception, especially given its impressive growth?

From its inception, Enter Art Fair has always aimed high, striving to collaborate with the global art industry to create value and extend our reach beyond Denmark. We chose the name ‘ENTER’ to invite everyone into the art world and inspire them to purchase artworks. The name also nods to the ‘ENTER’ key on a keyboard, symbolizing our commitment to integrating digital aspects into the traditional art world. This year, we’re proud to feature a section dedicated to galleries exclusively showcasing digital art. Additionally, we are now focusing on making Enter Art Fair part of a larger citywide event, 4 Days of Art, putting it on par with 3 Days of Design and Copenhagen Fashion Week.

Crowds at Enter Art Fair, founded by  Julie Leopold
Enter Art Fair, 2023. Photo Julie Nymann and Frida Gregersen

The fair has tripled in size and numbers since its launch. What strategies and initiatives have been most effective in driving this growth, and what challenges have you faced in scaling the fair? How have you overcome the latter?

Enter Art Fair takes place over four days each year, but our preparation spans the entire year. We strive to be the best hosts for more than 20,000 visitors and the most effective representatives of the international art industry. Our year-long efforts include developing new ideas, forging partnerships, and meticulous planning in production, marketing, sales, and coordination.

Launching a completely new art fair in less than six months in 2019 posed significant challenges. The following year, the pandemic introduced new obstacles with its restrictions. Our adaptability as a young and dynamic fair, ready to innovate and solve problems, helped us overcome these challenges. Being a new business meant every hurdle was an opportunity to refine our approach and avoid stagnation.

Our strategy has always been to do things our way, rather than merely following the standard practices of other art fairs. Early on, we prioritized creating a distinctive atmosphere and experience for our visitors and partners in Copenhagen, collaborating closely with top international galleries and showcasing their exceptional artworks.

We started in a 3,000 m² tent on Refshaleøen [former harbor industrial site, now redeveloped, Ed.], featuring 35 international galleries and attracting 6,000 visitors. Today, we welcome over 20,000 visitors to the 10,000 m² historic Lokomotivværkstedet, one of Copenhagen’s largest and leading event locations, presenting over 96 galleries from more than 20 countries. This growth underscores our success in creating a vibrant and engaging environment.

Positioning the fair in the heart of Copenhagen has been vital, reflecting the city’s creative energy and contributing to its urban development, enhancing both local and international tourism. While we have grown significantly, our mission remains the same: to be a creative and commercial epicenter for the Danish, Scandinavian, and international art communities.

“It is part of Enter Art Fair’s DNA to constantly remain relevant and in dialogue with what’s happening in the world.”

Julie Leopold

In what ways does Enter Art Fair serve as a gateway to the Scandinavian art market, and what makes this market unique?

I’m proud that Danish, Scandinavian, and international art lovers return to Enter Art Fair every year. We welcome everyone, from well-established collectors and institutions to first-time buyers. There’s something for everyone to experience and acquire.

The 2023 edition was our most successful yet, with record sales and high attendance from private collectors and leading institutions. Over 350 artists showcased their works, including paintings, videos, performances, digital art, and sculptures. A standout sale was a monumental sculpture by French artist Bernar Venet, sold for over 3 million Danish kroner [over $430,000] by the Swiss gallery von Bartha to a private Danish collector.

Von Bartha exemplifies how Enter Art Fair serves as a gateway to the Scandinavian art market. After participating in the fair in 2019, the gallery opened a location in Carlsberg Byen, one of Copenhagen’s most dynamic districts for creativity and urban development. This gallery now attracts visitors and contributes to the area’s regeneration. Additionally, von Bartha represents Danish artist Ursula Reuter Christiansen, who will have a solo exhibition at the Arken museum in August. Since 1972, von Bartha has participated in Art Basel, and in 2023, dedicated their participation and two solo exhibitions in Basel and Copenhagen to Christiansen.

Installation view from Enter Art Fair, founded by Julie Leopold
Enter Art Fair, 2023. Photo Julie Nymann and Frida Gregersen

What efforts do you make to engage with both local and international audiences, and how do you ensure the fair appeals to a diverse range of visitors?

As Scandinavia’s largest international fair, we have a responsibility towards our partners, visitors, and the entire art industry. It is part of Enter Art Fair’s DNA to constantly remain relevant and in dialogue with global trends. The diverse selection and quality of galleries and artworks represent our appeal to visitors.

Enter Art Fair’s committee carefully selects galleries based on international standards to ensure the highest quality and a diverse representation across all disciplines, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, glass, NFTs, and video. Everything we do aims to enhance the visitor experience and to create or strengthen the partnership between the industry and those interested in art. 

With its new Digital Section highlighting galleries and artworks that are reshaping the art landscape through AI, AR, NFTs, and digital interventions, Enter is positioning itself at the forefront of technology developments in the art world. What impact do you hope the Digital Section will have on the fair and its audience?

We are excited to present the zeitgeist of digital art in our new dedicated gallery section and as part of our Art and Talk Program. The emerging artist Line Finderup Jensen, represented by Albert Contemporary gallery, will present a video game in which the player, through the eyes of an artist, fights their way up through the art world’s hierarchy, from gallerist to curator and art collector. 

Curated by Diana Velasco, the Art Program ‘Betwixt – Analogue and Digital Realms’ will feature talks, performances, and artworks spanning AI, AR, NFTs, and digital interventions. This program will delve into the concept of “phygital” by exploring both physical and digital realms. Highlights include the interactive webcam piece “Heartsleeves” by artist LoVid (US) and “Human Unreadable” by the artist duo Operate (US), showcasing generative digital motifs and algorithm-based choreography. A new performance piece, specially created for Enter Art Fair, comes from the French multimodal artist group, featuring dancer and choreographer Natacha Paquignon, dancer Kynsie Serre, AR producer Maxime Touroute, musician Odalie, and four Augmented Reality dancers. Performed twice daily, spectators can use a free app to experience the collision of physical and digital art at four site-specific locations within the fair.

The Talk Program will explore new digital trends and museum initiatives, with speakers including Web3 Associate Madeleine Pierpont from MOMA.

Outdoor space at Enter Art Fair
Enter Art Fair, 2023, Photo Julie Nymann and Frida Gregersen

Can you discuss any initiatives or programs that Enter Art Fair has introduced to support emerging artists and galleries?

In our ‘Young Section,’ we give galleries that are less than five years old an opportunity to be part of the fair. This year 19 galleries from 12 countries and 16 cities will take part. The galleries’ artists are often experimental or emerging, and collectors always find something interesting to add to their collections. 

Our Art Program has aimed from the beginning to challenge the notion of a static art fair, and we have introduced performances and live events that have engaged with the space in new ways. Last year, the artist Mira Winding drove a shopping cart around the fair, and the US-born artist Nikima Jagudejav did a hybrid dance performance throughout the four days. 

What are your long-term goals for Enter Art Fair, and how do you see it evolving over the next five to ten years?

We aim to build on our success of being a must-visit destination on the global arts calendar. With Enter Art Fair as the main event, we have established ‘4 Days of Art’ to further promote Copenhagen as an arts metropolis and encourage visitors to explore the city’s design, fashion, and gastronomy scenes. We want to continue working with the industry’s key players, and together forge a meaningful path for the international art world.

Relevant sources to learn more

More articles from Artland Magazine you may like:
Highlights Of Enter Art Fair 2022
Highlights Of Enter Art Fair 2021
Highlights Of Enter Art Fair 2020

Other relevant sources:
Visit Enter Art Fair’s website

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