Newest articles
Interview: Christina Wilson, Program Director of Art Week Copenhagen
8. May 2018
Christina Wilson, program director of Art Week Copenhagen, is driven by a wish to support and…
Artwork of the day | Sarah Braman
4. May 2018
Every day collectors at Artland share variety of artworks from around the world, both from their…
Artwork of the day | Kate Steciw
3. May 2018
Every day collectors at Artland share variety of artworks from around the world, both from their…
Artwork and Artist of the day | Letha Wilson
2. May 2018
Every day collectors at Artland share variety of artworks from around the world, both from their…
Seven Players In the Art Collecting Game
2. May 2018
Artwork of the day | Serge Attukwei Clottey
1. May 2018
Every day collectors at Artland share variety of artworks from around the world, both from their…
Glimpses from Gallery Weekend Berlin: By Julie Quottrup Silbermann
1. May 2018
In the role as director at Nils Stærk in Copenhagen, Julie Quottrup Silbermann travels the world…
Art Fair Guide // May
30. April 2018
May offers an appetizing mouthful of art events - from the ever vibrant streets of New York and…
10 Books That Explore the Fine Art of Collecting
30. April 2018
10 Famous Journalists in Art That You Should Be Reading
27. April 2018
Artwork of the day | Gina Beavers
26. April 2018
Every day collectors at Artland share variety of artworks from around the world, both from their…
Long Lines at 10 Blockbuster Exhibitions
26. April 2018
25. April 2018
The interaction between nature and architecture is a recurring theme in the art of Berit…
Artwork of the day | Evan Robarts
25. April 2018
Every day collectors at Artland share variety of artworks from around the world, both from their…
Artwork of the day | Morten Knudsen
24. April 2018
Every day collectors at Artland share variety of artworks from around the world, both from their…
Interview with collector Mette Samkalden
23. April 2018
Life and art cannot be separated when it comes to Sara Lysgaard’s art collection. It is an…
Museu da Fotografia Fortaleza
23. April 2018
Art is usually on the human scale. It’s of a size that relates to the human body, which is handy…
Artwork of the day | Taylor Anton White
23. April 2018
Every day collectors at Artland share variety of artworks from around the world, both from their…