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Iconic Designer Chairs Everyone Should Know

Both aesthetic and functional, designer chairs elevate furniture into works of art. This is a small…

The Provocative and Psychedelic Art of The Hairy Who

Neither an art movement nor a style, the Hairy Who were six Chicago artists who exhibited as a…

In Praise Of The Ellipse: A Tribute to Turi Simeti

We revisit the myriad forms of Italian Zero artist Turi Simeti's signature oval motifs and dynamic…

Unveiling Renée Stotijn’s Hidden Art

When Dutch artist Renée Stotijn passed away in June 2020, her daughters discovered a treasure trove…

Lost (and Found) Artist Series: Tehching Hsieh

Striking in his commitment to physically and mentally exhausting performances, Tehching Hsieh…

Between Music and Visual Arts: Iconic Album Art Vol. 2

Discover iconic sleeves and tune in for selected songs from these records collected on our Spotify…

From Matisse to Rothko: Artist-Designed Chapels

Explore with us some of the most stunning and unusual artist-designed chapels.

Art Movement: Art Deco

Unifying visual arts, architecture, and design, Art Deco combined the modernity of bold geometric…

The Rise of the Private Art Museum

The private museum has emerged as an alternative model to the traditional museum’s Platonic ideal,…

Salvador Dalí, 1939

The Other Salvador Dalí: How the King of Surrealism Made is Mark on Cinema

Salvador Dalí is remembered for his striking Surrealist paintings. But the great master of…

Master of Light: Tadao Ando

Tadao Ando, a self-taught architect and the 1995 recipient of the Pritzker Prize, has designed…

Eddie Martinez: Street Energy and American Abstraction

Brooklyn-based artist Eddie Martinez merges the tradition of American abstract painting with the…

Nigerian Artist Dennis Osadebe On Isolation, Neo-Africa, and the Abundant Lagos Art Scene

Dennis Osadebe gives insights into his creative process and tells about the rapidly expanding and…

Going Once, Going Twice, Sold! Art Auctions Through History

We retrace the history of art auctions, from their origins to recent online developments.

HuskMitNavn: the Danish Artist Who Celebrates the Subtle Moments of Life

HuskMitNavn has made his name both in Denmark and internationally producing humorous and political…

MAN-MAID-NATURE. In Conversation with Artist Pernille Egeskov and Curator Claire Gould

We had the opportunity to speak with artist Pernille Egeskov, founder of Pop-Up Contemporary, and…

Iconic Artworks: Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother

Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother became one of the most iconic images of the Great Depression, part…

The Art of Cooking: Artists in the Kitchen

Sharing a meal can be an artistic experience, from the food served to the table settings chosen,…

Edoardo Monti

Art Curator Interview: Edoardo Monti

We interview Edoardo Monti, curator of 'Hetérotopié', the first of a series of exhibitions held at…

Art Movement: CoBrA

CoBrA was an international art movement of pioneering artists who caused a revolution in modern art…