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Shigeko Kubota

Shigeko Kubota: the Mother of Video Art

Shigeko Kubota, often referred to as 'the mother of video art', was a visual artist, curator,…

Ninth Street Women: 5 Women Behind Abstract Expressionism

The book 'Ninth Street Women' foregrounds five female artists who took part in the legendary 1951…

Banksy, Red Horseman

Banksy Street Art: The Artist’s Best Graffiti – Essential City Guide

We take you on a tour of some of the most famous pieces of street art by Banksy in cities around…

The Stolen Stories of Kojo Marfo | Artist Interview

Read an exclusive interview with London-based Ghanaian artist Kojo Marfo.

Christian Rosa

Standards & Practices, Vol. 19: Out of Touch and Out of Time

In his last edition of Standards & Practices, William Pym reflects on Christian Rosa's rise and…

Baroque: Art, Definition & Style of an Era

Learn about Baroque, a style spanning art, architecture, and music that characterized Europe from…

Fauvism: Definition, Art & Characteristics

Learn about Fauvism, the short-lived avant-garde style that flourished around Henri Matisse in the…

Empire State Building, New York

Controversial Architecture: The Buildings We Learned To Love

Take a look at some of the most controversial architecture in history, and see which buildings…

Art Deco Design: Top 9 Famous Artists Who Defined the Style

From jewellery to furniture design, meet the most influential Art Deco designer.

Sonia Delaunay

Sonia Delaunay: Abstract Art Between Fashion & Painting

Sonia Delaunay was a pioneer of abstract art in the Parisian avant-garde. Discover how she was able…

Contemporary Caribbean Art Reflecting on Diaspora & Identity

Explore how the visual expressions of Caribbean art and artists can upend our perceptions of…

Mika Rottenberg, Still from Spaghetti Blockhain

Mika Rottenberg: Surrealistic Art Revealing an Absurd Reality

Mika Rottenberg creates art that blurs the borders between fiction and reality, revealing the…

Sidney Nolan

Sidney Nolan: Australia’s (Almost) Forgotten Art Superstar

Once Australia’s most famous artist, Sidney Nolan had disappeared from the art world. Read how a…

Dansaekhwa: Exploring the Korean Art of Monochrome Painting

Dansaekhwa refers to the Korean art of abstraction and monochrome painting. Learn what Dansaekhwa…

Barbara Kruger, Untitled (Your Body is a Battleground)

Feminist Art: History & Most Relevant Artists

What is Feminist Art and how did it reshape contemporary art? Discover the history of the feminist…

Hock E Aye Vi Edgar Heap of Birds Dine Body Bag

Art Toronto 2021: Spotlight on Contemporary Indigenous Artists

Experience Art Toronto 2021 virtually through the works of ten indigenous artists.

Piet Mondrian, Composition No. 10

Piet Mondrian: Bio & Famous Paintings

Piet Mondrian was a leading figure of abstract painting whose compositions of lines and primary…

Les Demoiselles d’Avignon: Analysis of Picasso’s Iconic Painting

Les Demoiselles d’Avignon is one of Picasso’s landmark works and is considered a precursor to…

Picasso Ceramics

Picasso Ceramics: History & Works for Sale

Forever changing Western art's relationship to craft, Pablo Picasso's ceramics offer an abundance…

Anthony Horth, Serpentine, 2017

Sustainability in the Art World: Fighting the Environmental Crisis

The art world is urged to face its impact on the environment. How can commercial galleries and…